Minority Owned & Operated Arbitration Services
Answering the call for more diversity in the Arbitration field
Why businesses should insist on a more diverse panel of arbitrators
Consumer and Employee Perceptions, a/k/a Brand Perception
"Building and properly managing brand equity has become a priority for companies of all sizes, in all types of industries, in all types of markets. After all, from strong brand equity flow customer loyalty and profits. The rewards of having a strong brand are clear." Keller, The Brand Report Card, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2000
"Customers, not companies, own brand perception. Brand perception is what customers believe a product or service represents, not what the company owning the brand says it does." Brand perception: Everything you need to know, www.qualtrics.com/experience-management/brand/brand-perception.
"Our evidence is that an emphasis on representation is not enough;
employees need to feel and perceive equality and fairness of opportunity in their workplace." "[T]he likelihood of diverse companies outperforming industry peers on profitability has increased significantly." McKinsey & Company Diversity Wins (May 2020).
"Diversity among arbitrators will provide more credibility to the process in the eyes of [employees]." Carbone & Zaino, Increasing Diversity Among Arbitrators, NYSBA Journal, January 2012, at 33 (quoting New York attorney Gwynne A. Wilcox).
"There is no question that the ADR community is lacking in diversity." Carbone & Zaino, Increasing Diversity Among Arbitrators, NYSBA Journal, January 2012, at 33.
"For arbitration to be considered a successful form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in the future workplace, it must shift away from using power imbalances . . . and instead consistently use diverse arbitrators to remove concerns about fairness and transparency." Green, Arbitrarily Selecting Black Arbitrators, Fordham Law Rev., Vol 88, Issue 6, Art. 6 (2020).
Where We Specialize
Offering Businesses and Municipalities Outside Arbitration Services in the Employment Context

Arbitration of Breach of Employment, Non-Compete or Trade Secret Agreements

Arbitration of Wage And Hour Claims

Arbitration of Discrimination Complaints and Other Workplace Complaints

How We Perform
Our philosophy
We take arbitration seriously. This allows the parties to respect our work and our decisions. Yet at the same time, we ensure that all parties are treated fairly and are given the opportunity to be heard. The end result is a professional and neutral arbitration. That's our goal.